The Music of <The Lord of the Rings> Films Complete Recording Part I+II

The Fellowship of the Ring Complete Recording


CD 1 - part 1:   1921917193610017

CD 1 - part 2:   6816808222710213

CD 2 - part 1:   3283273930918550

CD 2 - part 2:   9649630000613170

CD 3 - part 1:   6916907520516194

CD 3 - part 2:   1721712977419475


The Two Towers Complete Recording


CD I - part 01: 2782773865919691  

CD I - part 02: 5155137811428790

CD II - part 01: 6766757420415220

CD II - part 02: 6706690449618578

CD III - part 01: 2432422124714094

CD III - part 02: 4094087532812886


原帖由 LoydSnake 于 2007-1-26 21:48 发表





1. Prologue: One Ring To Rule Them All
  2. Shire, The
  3. Bag End
  4. Very Old Friends
  5. Flaming Red Hair
  6. Farewell Dear Bilbo
  7. Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
  8. Conspiracy Unmasked, A
  9. Three Is Company
  10. Passing Of The Elves, The
  11. Saruman The White
  12. Shortcut To Mushrooms, A
  13. Strider
  14. Nazgul, The
   DISC 2:
  1. Weathertop
  2. Caverns Of Isengard, The
  3. Give Up The Halfling
  4. Orthanc
  5. Rivendell
  6. Sword That Was Broken, The
  7. Council Of Elrond Assembles, The - Enya
  8. Great Eye, The
  9. Gilraen';s Memorial
  10. Pass Of Caradhras, The
  11. Doors Of Durin, The
  12. Moria
  13. Gollum
  14. Balin';s Tomb
   DISC 3:
  1. Khazad-dum
  2. Caras Galadhon - Elizabeth Fraser
  3. Mirror Of Galadriel, The
  4. Fighting Uruk-hai, The
  5. Parth Galen
  6. Departure Of Boromir, The
  7. Road Goes Ever On..., The (Part 1)
  8. It May Be Me - Enya
  9. Road Goes Ever On..., The (Part 2) - Edward Ross

CD 1:

01 Glamdring
02 Elven Rope
03 Lost in Emyn Muil
04 My Precious
05 Uglúk's Warriors
06 The Three Hunters
07 The Banishment of Éomer
08 Night Camp
09 The Plains of Rohan
10 Fangorn
11 The Dead Marshes
12 "Wraiths On Wings"
13 Gandalf the White
14 The Dreams of Trees
15 The Heir of Númenor
16 Ent-draught

CD 2:

01 Edoras
02 The Court of Meduseld
03 Théoden King Featuring "The Funeral of Théodred" performed by Miranda Otto
04 The King's Decision
05 Exodus From Edoras
06 The Forests of Ithilien
07 One of the Dúnedain Featuring "Evenstar" performed by Isabel Bayrakdarian
08 The Wolves of Isengard
09 Refuge at Helm's Deep
10 The Voice of Saruman
11 Arwen's Fate Featuring "The Grace of the Valar" performed by Sheila Chandra
12 The Story Foretold
13 Sons of the Steward
14 Rock and Pool
15 Faramir's Good Council

CD 3:

01 Aragorn's Return
02 War is Upon Us
03 "Where Is the Horse and the Rider?"
04 The Host of the Eldar
05 The Battle of the Hornburg
06 The Breach of the Deeping Wall
07 The Entmoot Decides
08 Retreat Featuring "Haldir's Lament" performed by Elizabeth Fraser
09 Master Peregrin's Plan
10 The Last March of the Ents Featuring Ben Del Maestro
11 The Nazgûl Attack
12 Théoden Rides Forth Featuring Ben Del Maestro
13 The Tales That Really Matter
14 "Long Ways to Go Yet" Featuring "Gollum's Song" performed by Emiliana Torrini

TTT的ED就是"Long Ways to Go Yet" Featuring "Gollum's Song" performed by Emiliana Torrini这个了,咕噜之歌。



原帖由 mirk2008 于 2007-2-28 01:18 发表



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