[fs2]JERUSALEM: City of two Peaces - Heavenly Peace and Earthly Peace

来自 Jordi Savall ,女声部分演唱是 Montserrat Figueras,如果你喜欢电影 Kingdom of Heaven 里的音乐不妨下载来听看看

这是比 Kingdom of Heaven 的 OST 更为深入、更有可听性的,关于名字中带有2个和平的城市耶路撒冷的音乐



JERUSALEM, City of the two peaces. The music of the history of Jerusalem

One of the etymologies tracing the name of the city of Jerusalem translates its Hebrew name as “the city of the two peaces”, in what is a clear metaphorical reference both to “heavenly peace” and “earthly peace”, the former proclaimed and promised by the prophets who lived in or visited the city, and the latter sought by the political leaders who have governed the city throughout its five thousand years of documented existence.

Sanctified by the three great monotheistic religions of the Mediterranean, Jerusalem soon became the focus of prayers and longing. Desired by all, she has been the goal, aim and destination of pilgrims of all persuasions who flock to her gates in peace, but also the objective of soldiers and armies in pursuit of war, who have besieged and burned the city, bringing ruin and devastation more than forty times throughout her long history.

Jordi Savall and Montserrat Figueras, in the company of Jewish, Christian and Muslim musicians from Israel, Palestine, Greece, Syria, Armenia, Turkey, England, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, as well as their own ensembles Hespèrion XXI and La Capella Reial de Catalunya, portray the chequered fortunes of Jerusalem – a holy city or a city bedevilled – in a frieze of texts and music evoking her protagonists. Jewish, Arab and Christian music from ancient times to the present day highlights Jerusalem as a city that looks forward to the possibility of achieving the two peaces proclaimed in its name.

Manuel Forcano, 2008


CD 1

1 Fanfare of Jericho, 1200 av. B.C.

I Heavenly Peace: The Prophets of the Apocalypse and of the Last Judgment

2 The Sibylline Oracles (3rd century B.C.) – Jewish sources, Aramaic music

3 Introduction (Ney & percussion)

4 The Koran: Bismi Al.là ar Rahman (7th Century) – Fatihah Sura I, 2-7. Sufi sources

5 Postludium (qanun)

6 Revelation VI, 12-3 Audi pontus (12th century) (Las Huelgas mss.)
Corresponding to the Cathar Gospel of Pseudo-John V, 4

7 Postludium (medieval harp)

II Jerusalem, a Jewish city, 1000 B.C. - A.D. 70
King David makes Jerusalem the capital of the unified kingdom of Judah and Israel

8 Shofars call

9 Prayer for Jerusalem

10 Instrumental dance. Liberation of the city by Maccabeans, 164 B.C.

11 The Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122) - The Psalms of King David (10th Century B.C.)

12 Rabbi Akiva goes to Jerusalem. Talmud, Makkot 24b

13 Song of Exile (Psalm 137, 1-6). Destruction of the Temple and Diaspora, A.D. 70

14 Instrumental lament (shofars)

III Jerusalem, a Christian city, 326 - 1244

15 Stavrotheotokia (Hymn to the Virgin at the foot of the Cross)
Attributed to Emperor Leo VI, 886-912
Queen Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine is in Jerusalem, A.D. 326

16 Fanfare “Pax in nomine Domine”

17 Pope Urban II, First call to the Crusade, 1095
Recited text in French

18 Crusaders’ song: Pax in nomine Domini
Marcabru (1100-1150) – 1st Crusade

19 Crusaders’ song: Chevalier, mult estes guaritz, 1146
Anonymous 12th Century – 2nd Crusade

20 Conductus : O totius Asie – Anonymous (s. XIII)

21 Planctus « Pax in Nomine Domini »
The Crusaders lose Jerusalem to Saladin

IVa Jerusalem, a city of pilgrimage, 383 - 1326

22 The Dome of the Rock – Ibn Battuta (1304-ca.1377)

23 Zionida: Beautiful city, delight of the world
Judah Ha-Levy (1075-1141)

CD 2

IVb Jerusalem, a city of pilgrimage, 383 - 1326 (continued)

1 Cantiga de Santa Maria : O ffondo do mar tan châo
Alfonso X the Wise (1121-1284) CSM383

V Jerusalem, an Arabic city and an Ottoman city, 1244-1917

Arabic city, 1244 - 1516
2 Prelude (Oud)

3 The Koran, Sura XVII, 1- Mohammed ascends to heaven from the Temple Mount

4 Danse of the Soma

5 Sallatu Allah – Arabic tradition

Ottoman city, 1517 - 1917
6 Makam Uzäl Sakil “Turna”
Ottoman mss. of Kantemiroglu (17th century)

7 Suleyman the Magnificent’s dream, 1520 - Ottoman legend
Recited text in Turkish

8 Warrior’s march (Anonymous Ottoman)
The Ottoman Conquest of Jerusalem, 1517

VI Jerusalem, a Land of Refuge and Exile, 15th - 20th centuries

9 Palestina hermoza y Santa - Anonymous Sephardic (oral tradition, Sarajevo)

10 Palestinian Lament - Anonymous (oral tradition)

11 Andouni Armenian Lament, 1915 - Anonymous (oral tradition)

12 El male rahamim (Hymn to the victims of Auschwitz), 1941
Historical recording by Shlomo Katz, 1950

13 Funeral March

VII Earthly peace: a duty and a utopia

A plea for peace
14 Instrumental Dialogue

15 A plea for peace in Arabic

16 Adonay Prayer for peace in Hebrew

17 A plea for peace in Armenian

18 Da Pacem (Gregorian)

Dialogue of songs

19 Apo xeno meros (in Greek) - Anonym (Oral Tradition)

20 Ghazal (in Arabic)

21 Ghazal (in Hebrew)

22 Ghazal (Palestine)

23 Siente Hermosa (ladino)

24 Apo xeno meros (in Greek) Gregorian Chorus

25 Durme, hermoza donzella (ladino)

26 Ghazal (in Arabic, Greek & Hebrew)

27 Ghazal (instrumental, Morocco)

28 Final Ensemble (tutti)

29 Final fanfare “Against the barriers of the Spirit”
Jordi Savall, 2008
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