
  來自曾經替 Eidos 開發過足球球隊管理經營遊戲:《Championship Manager, CM》系列的遊戲開發商 Sports Interactive,以及 SEGA 歐洲公司(SEGA Europe)的最新消息,他們將在 SONY 的掌上型娛樂平臺 PlayStation Portable(PSP)上,推出《足球經理 2006(Football Manager 2006, FM2006)》。

  由於《CM》曾經被喻為是第一名的球隊管理遊戲,不過自從 Sports Interactive 轉而跟 SEGA Europe 合作之後,Sports Interactive 後來推出真正繼承《CM》本質的遊戲卻因為版權問題,只好改名為《足球經理 2005(Football Manager 2006, FM2005)》,而 Eidos 的類似產品則是繼續使用《CM》這名字來推出;不過基本上多數玩家還是較看好《足球經理》系列。

  如今《足球經理 2006》不但要在 PC 以及 Mac 平臺上推出之外,SEGA Europe 還決定要讓玩家在 PSP 上都能隨時享受到球隊管理的樂趣,而且遊戲也將保持著原有的數據準確性和球員資料真實性;據 Sports Interactive 表示,《足球經理 2006》PC、Mac 版以及 PSP 版將在今年冬季於歐洲地區上市。
(巴哈姆特 LittleHsin 報導)






LONDON, UK - May 6th, 2005 - SEGA Europe Ltd, and Sports Interactive are proud to announce Football Manager 2006 for PSP. Specifically designed for Sony's PlayStation Portable handheld entertainment system (PSP), this new game will, for the first time, offer fans of Sports Interactive's games an opportunity to experience the highs and lows of virtual football management 'on the go'.

Sports Interactive have modified their genre defining football management game to purposely suit the PSP. Football Manager 2006 retains all of the hallmark realism and excellence, but is specifically designed to be a more immediate pick up and play experience.

"From the moment that we got our hands on our first PSP we knew that we were finally looking at a portable system that could do our game justice," comments Miles Jacobson, Managing Director of Sports Interactive. "Football Manager is well-known as being a game that people carry with them in their hearts and minds – pretty soon they'll be able to carry it in their pockets too. "

"This has to be one of the most exciting games coming to PSP. I'm going to start getting the train into work so I can play it in the mornings!" commented Matt Woodley, Creative Director of SEGA.

For anyone who loves football, Football Manager 2006 offers a dream come true. Using a new state of the art game interface and management infrastructure, Football Manager 2006 accurately simulates the trials and tribulations of a real football manager. Experience the pressure as you rise through the ranks, reach the heady heights of the Premiership and try your luck in Europe.

Features for Football Manager 2006 PSP:

Select an active league from a minimum of 6 countries'
Accurate data from the world renowned SI football database
Up to date and accurate competition simulations
Accurate European competitions and world rankings
Complete tactical options to allow a manager to influence a match
Every player has an accurate player history
30 players in a squad
Realistic commentary style match engine and computer manager intelligence
Staff feedback on the current squad via coach and physio reports
Realistically simulated media involvement - including transfer rumors
Agent approaches and dressing room unrest
A full interactive transfer system simulating modern day negotiations, including player loans, signings etc.
Realistically simulated world of football, giving information about transfers, results and injuries involving the big names in football



以下是引用JPSF总师在2005-5-13 18:01:00的发言:




以下是引用希姆莱在2005-5-16 15:48:57的发言:



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