E文好來幫幫= =(特別是插叔,你是留學生吧-ー-)
Ataraxia ( ταραξ α) is a Greek term used by Pyrrho and Epicurus for freedom from worry or any other preoccupation, and for Epicurus to achieve Hêdonê, the great pleasure.For the Epicureans, ataraxia was synonymous with the only true happiness possible for a person. It signifies the detached and balanced state of mind that shows that a person has transcended the material world and is now harvesting all the comforts of philosophy.
For the Pyrrhonians, this state is said to arise from withholding judgment or refusing to support any one belief when there is evidence to the contrary.
完全看不懂:z23 沒人來的麽= =
:z26 :z26 :z26 :z26 :z26 :z26 哲学的东西~~~看不懂,什么享乐主义。。。。 的確……哲學……
所以看不懂:z26 :z35 你看不見我...你看不見我...你看不見我.....:z26 ……………………
NT你的發言很哲學:z26 虾米?summon我啊:z39。。。现在忙,等下有空帮你看看><
[[i] 本帖最后由 红衣ARCHER 于 2008-2-24 02:06 编辑 [/i]] 广告
伊利丹-怒风 down:z14 ,前天的事情,一共try了两个晚上,感觉安排好战术和站位后没阿克蒙德难
LOOT嘛。。。古尔丹头骨+匕首,还没黑到家>< 又看到了怀念的白骨…………
话说那么堆人里插叔你是哪一个- - 右手边第二排在放奉献的就是我,啧啧:z35 找到了
[URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6015/yobo9hj7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] 点头点头就是那个:z35 無語。。。